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when to start next level of math

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We just finished level C in RS on monday. I got level D in the mail today. My question is this: should I give DD 9 a break or should we dig in tomorrow? I want to dig in but DD9 HATES math and would put it off indefinitely if she could! That and the fact that in about 2 weeks we're taking some planned time off anyway and I'd really hate to delay starting the new stuff almost a month! I guess in the in-between time I could have her do some of the Math Mammoth stuff that I bought.


As an interesting side question: if you like the math curric you are using, but your children SAY they don't like it, do you stick with it? I really like the results with RS and the fact that my DC are understanding the why behind math and can spout off math facts like no tomorrow. BUT DD9 SAYS she HATES math. i don't think it's RS, I think it's just math in general. We have effectively tried almost every major math curric out there and I'm not too willing to try another one...we've used Abeka, Horizons, Saxon, Singapore. I don't think it would matter if math consisted of cream puffs and cotton candy, she would still dislike it b/c she HATES math and groans every time we start the lesson. But RS makes the most sense to me and we're getting good results. I guess she will just have to accept that math is part of our everyday lives, better suck it up and deal with it or else!


I guess my rambling on here has just answered my own questions...thanks for any input you have though!

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I would absolutely give her a break from RS. You could use the time to just play some of the RS games, computer drill, Calculadder pages, ect.....Knockout (I got ours at a toy store) is a great math game if you have access to that. Especially since she hates math, I would use the next few weeks to try and mix it up a bit.

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I would absolutely give her a break from RS. You could use the time to just play some of the RS games, computer drill, Calculadder pages, ect.....Knockout (I got ours at a toy store) is a great math game if you have access to that. Especially since she hates math, I would use the next few weeks to try and mix it up a bit.


:iagree: What she said!


And as to the other question -- if you feel good about the math curriciculum, then I'd say stick with it. Your positive attitude will help dc stay on track, even though it isn't the favorite subject.




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