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NO question the meds for ADHD help here

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We saw the psychiatrist yesterday and I mentioned that 12dd was having a TERRIBLE time with paying attention, focusing, etc. We looked back at the charts and saw that her Dexedrine dose has been the same for 2 1/2 years-- and she has grown 8 inches and gained 30 pounds in that time.


She upped her meds a bit and WOW today things went SO much better. She could sit down and play her piano songs the best ever (JUST started lessons 3 weeks ago), got her school work done, etc.


Come to find out---yesterday she had not taken ANY of the Dexedrine which explains why NOTHING could get done yesterday.


I am not a meds first person but WOW, the difference for my dd is amazing.

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I'm so glad it got adjusted and is better for you! We're not a meds-first family, either, but Vyvanse is a lifesaver for us. We had to skip a dose on Saturday because we couldn't get an appointment with the ped in time to get a new script, and holy moly, the difference is huge. He couldn't walk down a supermarket aisle without a five-minute detour. Sometimes I think these reminders are good for us, to tell us we aren't medicating needlessly! Congrats on your daughter's piano skills. Sounds wonderful!

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I am another one who avoided meds for years and was amazed at the difference in my son's productivity. Sadly, they also triggered some bizarre changes in him, which I believe are now explained by his dx last fall of bipolar disorder. Stimulants can do that. Now I wish my ever so balky teen boy would give the BP meds a chance, get stable, and eventually go back on something to help him with the ADHD. On good days, he wants to go to college, but on the path he's on right now, it's looking like a pipe dream.

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