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Writing for my 4th grader - IEW? CW? WT? Help needed!


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I'm trying to decide on which way to go for writing next year.


My son is a very bright 3rd grader this year. He reads anything, spells on a 6-7th grade level (according to SWR tests), but but is pretty negative about writing. We are using WWE level 2 this year. It seems a bit beneath him, barely taking any time, and yet he complains about it.


I'm thinking we need to make a switch to something a little more challenging. Maybe what I'm doing just isn't enough. Where would you suggest I go with a bright ds that complains about writing? IEW? CW? WT? If I go with Writing Tales what level do I start with?


Thanks for any advice or thoughts you can give me!

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What is it that I start with in IEW? It is a little hard to figure out for some reason. Thanks for your help!


LOL that is a great question. There are a couple ways to start with IEW.


The correct and expensive way is to get Teaching Writing Structure and Style (TWSS) which is a manual and set of dvd's. They teach you how to teach writing. They are great. There are also some lesson plans and samples. It is the correct way to start.


Another way to start is to find the level of Student Writing Intensive (SWI) for your student (probably B for your ds) and watch the videos with him and follow the lessons. It is easy and all laid out for you except the correcting. It doesn't give you all of the theory and doesn't give you all that you need to know to say you are full IEW. But if you do the SWI you will have completed a great writing course for the year, and you will need to determine then if you want to invest more in IEW afterwards.


The most cost effective way to see if IEW will work for your ds is to get one of the themed writing units. I am currently using the fables, Myths and fairy tales with my dd . Working through the themed writing book will quickly let you know if you would like the way IEW works. You will be missing some of the depth that you would get from having the more expensive dvd lessons, BUT you will get a good feel for how it works and what the lessons look like. This is what I recommend to people instead of spending the big money on the videos first.


Also IEW has great resale value. I did the whole TWSS and SWI-C with my ds when he was in high school. I think that at his level, I could have probably done fine with just the SWI (and I was terrible at actually making myself watch the TWSS videos). And our big problem at the time was actually sitting down and accomplishing writing so the SWI helped with that most of all. I really love the themed writing unit that I am doing right now and plan to use more of them.

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The most cost effective way to see if IEW will work for your ds is to get one of the themed writing units. I am currently using the fables, Myths and fairy tales with my dd . Working through the themed writing book will quickly let you know if you would like the way IEW works. You will be missing some of the depth that you would get from having the more expensive dvd lessons, BUT you will get a good feel for how it works and what the lessons look like. This is what I recommend to people instead of spending the big money on the videos first.


This is very helpful! I had a hard time thinking about dropping $200.00 for a huge program that I didn't know would work. So, from looking at the website, all I would need to start with a themed unit would be the book? I think I would start with the Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales. Is the book consumable? I wish I could see this all in person! Buying without seeing is difficult.

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O.K., Karen, I finally saw that I can see a sample. :) That was helpful! This looks good! How long does one themed unit take? I think I might start it this year yet, so as to get a feel if I should go ahead and purchase the DVD's. Thanks!

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I think IEW is great for boys especially that don't like to write. Also have you looked at Write Shop? I know it isn't very popular, but it is recommended in the WTM. I used it with my ds in middle school way back before I ever heard of many of these other programs.


WriteShop is good for middle school and up.

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Michele -


Where would you start??? Would just purchasing Fables, Myths and Fairy Tales give us a good taste as Karen in CO suggested? Or, do I just need to do the whole she-bang and try the teacher DVD's & SWI? Does the SWI make it an open and go type of curruiculm? I can't get a feel for it. Does one level last one year? The theme book lasts one year?


I really like the look of IEW b/c of it's hand holding - for me as well as my son. The fact that SWB recommends it helps too. I just wish that the WWE workbooks were all out!


Thanks for your help.

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YEs - one of the reasons FMFT is working for us is that my dd loves Fables, Myths, and Fairy tales. The fables which are first are good and gentle basic Aesop stuff. If your ds can tolerate that then that is a good place to start. My library doesn't carry the TWSS, but check if yours does. That is great advice. I wish mine had carried it.

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