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What Singapore level would I go to after using RightStart?


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RightStart only goes through 4th grade. However, you are supposed to be able to go right into Algebra. Where should I start with Singapore if I went that route? I'm trying to look into math for after RightStart, which is an entire year away! I like to check everything out. :)

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RightStart only goes through 4th grade. However, you are supposed to be able to go right into Algebra. Where should I start with Singapore if I went that route? I'm trying to look into math for after RightStart, which is an entire year away! I like to check everything out. :)


I'd go with 5th or 6th and hit some of the topics a bit harder--like dividing fractions! You can pick and choose.

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When I spoke to the RightStart rep about the same question, they recommended their Geometry program for 5th grade. They also made it very clear that it wasn't solely focused on geometry. Instead, it is basically Level F, and while there is lots of drawing and geometry, all previously covered concepts are explored and expanded upon.


When one is mid-way through the geometry program (lesson 95), they recommend starting Videotext Algebra (module A). Then one would alternate RS and VT week by week until completing RS. After finishing RS the recommendation is Videotext Algebra and then VT Geometry.

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I went from E to Singapore 5. I use their Challenging Word Problems and Intensive Practice alongside the workbooks and this has been good for us. When ds needed more practice, I added in the Key To... series.


I bought the Geometry program, but ended up not using it because ds didn't like that aspect of RS when we went through the regular books. If I had him drawing every day, he'd have revolted!!

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ONe more thing, I don't think I'd go right into Algebra after E. My son needed LOTS more practice with decimals, percents, and fractions. Plus, he's just not there mentally to do Algebra yet. He's doing 5A and 5B this year, next year he'll do level 6, and then I'll go from there.


Also, Singapore isn't a supplemental program, it is a full program by itself. I've used just the workbooks for extra practice with RS, but when you add in CWP and IP, it becomes a very full program by itself.

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