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Which route to go? Increasing writing or adding Greek?


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My ds will be in 4th grade next fall. His schedule seems to be allowing time to add something next year. However, I can't decide what to do! He seems to lack in writing. We are doing year 2 of WWE and I like it, but it isn't challenging. I do like how it is teaching him to summarize and next year we'll use year 3 and it will be more difficult. Should I just continue this or jump ship to Writing Tales since he will be in 4th?


The other option I'm considering is adding Elementary Greek. We will be finishing up LCI and moving on to LCII next year. Latin is not ds's favorite subject, but he is doing well in it. I would like him to learn Greek at some point, and take a modern language in high school.


So, should I increase our writing program or add Greek or what? :tongue_smilie:

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Just my opinion, but I would add more writing if you think he needs more before adding Greek. I think that if you are already doing Latin at this young age that Greek might be too much for a fourth grader. I just let my 6th grader add it this year because he really wanted to but it is the first thing to get cut on a busy day. If you like WWE and it is working then don't drop it and jump to something else. I have learned the hard way that consistency works best. Just add more writing in the form of notebooking, copywork, or more dictation. Let him get 2 years of Latin under his belt before adding another language. Again, this is just what I would do.

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Just my opinion, but I would add more writing if you think he needs more before adding Greek.


I was just coming to the same conclusion. :) I feel this need to try new things, but I know my ds isn't like this! He likes consistency. We are using year 2 this year, although he is in 3rd grade. It isn't very challenging for him. I think he could be doing more. I love it for my 1st grader that is using year 1. I'm NOT a writer and do not feel confident at all in teaching it. If I want to add more writing I think I need a curriculum to teach *me* as well as ds. I think I'll go pull out the WWE textbook and read some more over the weekend!

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I don't really have any advice to offer, just wanted to say my 3rd grade boy is also using WWE 2. True, it isn't terribly challening for him, but it is challenging enough. We just hit the part where he does the summaries without me asking the leading questions. It is so neat to see the wheels turning in his brain about what was the important part of the passage! I've also been considering switching to another program next year for him (Classical Writing) but I figure, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (I have to keep repeating that to myself all the time!) So hopefully the WWE 3 workbook will come out before we start in August/September!


Are you doing SOTW? That is another source for narrations you could have him do that is definitely more challenging, because the passages are longer and there is so much info.



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