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Anyone used The Private Eye?


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Yes! And we love it! In Sep. I bought the loops (w/ lanyards), the teachers guide, and upper and lower grade worksheets. It's going so well I decided to order the wooden boxes to collect specimens. The boxes are awesome! It's really worth it to read the manuel so that you can get the maximum out of the work. This is a well thought out program, there is a good reason for everything they teach. Kinder. seems like a good time to start, if your child can't write out the descriptions you can do it for them. What's so cool about private eye is going back and looking at your collection of worksheets, the drawings are scientific and beautiful, and the descriptions are poetic. It's nice to keep them together in a folder. My kids are 7 & 10 they are both using the lower grade work sheets. Hope this is helpful.

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The guide book gives loads of ideas, there are a lot of different lessons to give. In the end it's always you, the loupe, and thinking by analogy. I've started this year with the most basic steps, trying to get them used to thinking/writing like this, and not erasing their drawings.

I bought everything from the company.

Here is the first activity sheet my then 9 yo wrote out:

my finger

a small mountain

a million threads

a wave in which I swam

the wind in the sky



with the writing is a drawing of her finger as seen through the loupe. You can see the activity sheets on their site. The activity sheets are just the tip of the iceberg, you can get a lot out of this product. They do show how to bring in math, language arts, etc.

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