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What antibiotic is prescribed for an ear infection and would you do this?

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I have had ear pain on and off for quite a while now. It was't all the time so I figured maybe I had a cold in my ear or fluid. Since yesterday afternon I have had a non stop ringing in my right ear, which is drving me nuts. I have an appointment with a Dr, but not until Thursday. I do have a full bottle of amoxicillian tablets, can I just take those and will it clear up the infection? I hate taking meds but this ringing is driving me batty. :glare:

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I have had ear pain on and off for quite a while now.


When this happened to my dh, it turned out to be allergies. The allergic response triggered inflammation in ears/sinuses/throat....fluid was trapped and the result was exactly as you describe.


He started nasal steroids ( flonase, rhinocort, nasonex, veramist are all nasal steroids) and was better w/in a few days. Every spring, he has to do this for a couple of months to avoid the 'ear' problem.


Don't be alarmed by the term 'steriods'.....systemic absorption of nasal and inhaled steroids is so low as to be almost negligible....it's not like taking oral steroids. Truly, I'd not do the abx. Abx resistance is at a frightening level of concern and only getting worse. Take them only when absolutely positively necessary for your life and health when there is a known bacterial infection.


It's unlikely that the ear pain is a bacterial infection.....it's much much more likely that it's allergies or a viral infection (or both).


All the best,


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Something that has worked for our family for years is putting a small amount of garlice oil(natural antibiotic) on a small piece of cotton and place it in your ear. If you do not have garlic oil you can also you olive oil...it has worked faithfully for 15 years. Hope this helps.

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Amox. was given to my ds when he had his ear infection. I was told that since he had had the ear pain for 9 days (the 9th day was when I took him in), that it was probably a bac. infection. But the Dr. did say that usually ear infections are viral.


Personally, I would take the Amox. that I had (if it wasn't expired) for 3 days at the same time each day and see if it helped. If it did, I would probably cancel my Dr. appt. If it didn't help, I would go in and tell the Dr. what I had tried.


Hope you feel better soon!

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Thaks everyone. I basically have no pain right now, just the non-stop high pitch ringing which is awful. The pain comes and goes and doesn't last long. I might get this sharp shooting pain deep in my ear every 2-3 days and it lasts only a minute or so. I am going to go to the Dr on Thursday I just need to stop the ringing LOL. One thing I just thought of was that I had antibiotics during my surgery last week, so I don't know if I should take these or not. I should call back on Monday and see if they can take me that day.

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