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Help me create this pasta salad (penne and feta)

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What would you do to make this a cold pasta salad? We are having friends over to grill burgers tonight.


I don't have tomatoes (most online recipes call for tomatoes).


I have a lovely basil bush in it's prime.


I have italian dressing and olive oil. I don't have real lemons, but I have that bottle lemon juice stuff.


I'm also tempted to do something with the slivered almonds in my pantry (I love almonds).


What do you think?



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I would use the feta, basil (torn), and dress it with olive oil and a small splash of lemon to brighten it up. Maybe some cracked pepper, too.


Italian dressing seems too... busy for something simple like that.


Toasted almonds would also be divine.

Yum! Sounds almost like a deconstructed pesto pasta salad.

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