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HIDA (gall bladder)scan - Horrible procedure?

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My mil has many symptoms of gall bladder problems. She has had a sonogram and they are pretty sure there are no stones. It is probably a issue of poor function. When she eats out she has vomiting and nausea afterwards. She has sholder pain, abdominal pain and burps alot. (Sorry!) So they ordered a HIDA scan. I have heard that it is torturous. Is that true? If so, what would be the problem with just eating low fat? When she prepares her own food or eats at my house she does ok.

She is elderly and has mild demetia. I hate to take her to a procedure that is going to hurt alot...

Thanks for any thoughts on this!


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I had the scan after a 24 hour attack of nausea and vomitting. My symptoms sound like your mil, minus the pain. I was pretty wiped out so I slept through a lot of it. It wasn't really painful. When they injected some medication to stimulate the gall bladder it was a little uncomfortable. The worst part is you have to lie on an xray table for an hour and a half, or so. They had taken me to the hospital by ambulance and ended up just wheeling the gurney under the machine, so I ended up more comfortable than the cold, hard x-ray table. You might want to ask about some sort for padding for the table for your mil.


The test ended up being just a hair within normal for me, but they ultimately ended up taking out my gall bladder anyway. I had another attack a week after they took it out :confused: And then I had one occasionally for a couple of years, but haven't had one now for 7 years.


Oh, and I didn't have any stones either.




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I've had two.


One when my appendix ruptured and it was masquerading as a gall bladder problem. That was really painful, but it was my appendix causing the pain.


The second time was about 8 years later and it was not a problem at all. But my GB was normal. I think it can be a lot more painful if you gall bladder is blocked.


Did they find stones on ultrasound?

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