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Recipe: Easy & Cheap Tuna Hot Dish

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It doesn't get any easier than this. I've listed the original recipe as my mom taught it to me. In our house, however, I prefer to use cream of celery as I despise canned mushrooms.



Tuna Noodle Hot Dish


1 32 oz. bag egg noodles

2 cans tuna, drained fairly well

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

2 cans of peas, undrained


Boil off noodles in a good sized pot according to directions. While noodles are boiling, open your canned stuff. Drain noodles in a strainer in your sink.


While noodles are draining, dump all of your canned items into the pot and mix thoroughly. Add noodles back in and heat through. Serve.


Yield: 1 very full family and a decent amount of leftovers depending on how big your family is and how much they like for a serving size.




Enjoy! This is definitely a meal that could go either feast or famine depending on what you've got to go with it.

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I just smiled when I saw this...hot dish...reminds me of my husband from Minnesota. We always went back and forth when we just got married...Him saying hot dish...me saying casserole.




I'm originally from Minnesota! :lol:


As for the tuna forming globs, I've never had that happen. I mix the soup, peas, and tuna really well before adding the noodles back. On another note, you could always mix everything in a bowl and then add it to the pan with the noodles after you drain it. That way you know you've got it mixed beyond all recognition.

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