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Quiver - BJU sciences

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We had planned to use the science with homesat, but then decided against it when BJU announced they were ending homesat at the end of the year. I am waiting to hear what they are going to offer by way of online/video school before deciding for fall.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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We haven't used the Chemistry yet, but ds did use the Physical Science taught by Mr. Harmon who also teaches the Chemistry. He loved Mr. Harmon.


However, we are not "science-minded" and we are really struggling with the workload and homework. I do like Mr Harmon for the most part ,but I don't like all the BJ LINC call-ins (all taped in 2003) that much.


We really are not enjoying the class but I don't think that is BJU's fault - it is just the deep subject matter of chemistry. We stress vocab because I think it helps my "language-arts minded" dtrs grasp chemistry and we have done over 1 chapter due to failing (ch 8 - January) the chapter. We have come close 2 other times. So some of thes things are time consuming. There is a lab every other week approx and we are doing all of those.



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This is important information to me. Thanks. Just to be clear, the DVDs BJU sends are recordings of the homesat? Somehow I thought, mistakenly I guess, that the DVDs were made specifically for the DVD audience and thus wouldn't have "callers".


I don't exactly understand but it was a class system that BJU gave students some kind of phone (attaached to their computer/satellite receiver???) that allows students to call in with questions . Sometimes the questions are helpful but sometimes there is delay or techincial difficulties that cause annoying delays and dead air timmes?


Also - I think all the BJU DVDs are just tapes of the HomeSat classes and no different from HomeSat except there is no taping to do of the broadcasts.




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