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I need help and suggestions for 6th grade material


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I am looking into next year and I need some help.


I am looking for prefer things that he can do himself without much direction from me. He needs to be more independent than he is, also with a little one I need to be able to do an over view and let he go. Any form works, textbook, workbook, computer based, any of it.


reading program











Also would you do a handwriting program at this age? I was think not, but thought I should ask.


Here is what we already have and will be using. If you see something somewhere that I am missing please tell me. Or any other suggestions would be great.


Math - Saxon 7/6

History - Sotw 4

Grammar - G.U.M. (zaner-bloser)

Spelling - Sequential spelling

Science - Sonlight 6

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My oldest is 6th grade this year. We're using Learning Language Arts Through Literature Tan this year and I've been extremly happy with it. DS is able to complete his work independently. I spend about 30 minutes a day reviewing/ discussing his school work with him. LLATL Tan would cover reading, writing, and vocabulary. It also covers grammar and spelling, as a bonus. ;) You could skip those, or double up. As far as geography, have you considered using the activity guide for SOTW 4? My oldest is able to read the instructions for the mapwork and complete it himself. If you marked the sections in the activity guide with post-it notes, there's no reason he can't open the book and go for it. As far as handwriting, if his writing is decent, there's no reason to keep working on handwriting. I require all written work to be neat and readable and that's as far as we go.



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With the LLATL and never using it before should I go with grade level or do one below and move from there?


I would go with grade level. We just switched over this year and none of my children have had a problem adapting to their grade level. My strongest student found it relatively easy, but has been learning quite a bit. My weakest student found it challenging, but doable. It's been a perfect match for my average student. :D

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reading program - I think reading and discussing good books is the best thing you can do. At his age, writing some about what you're reading is also a good idea. I am using a workbook I bought from RRC that covers Literary Genres for next year. We've been covering this some this year, as well. But do I think it's essential? No, not really.


Geography - McGraw Hill's Complete Book of Maps and Geography would be a good, comprehensive map skills workout for him that he could do pretty much on his own.


Vocabulary - I can't really suggest anything. Our spelling programming at this level provides a good word study, as well.


Health - I have heard that Abeka's health programming is adequate. I am using a Carson Dellosa workbook publication this year to help me cover that topic. Something like that, together with library books could provide you with a perfectly good program.


Writing - I will be using Writing Strands beginning next year (levels 3 and then 4).



Also would you do a handwriting program at this age? I was think not, but thought I should ask.


Yes, we are still doing handwriting practice because my younger son still needs it. I did not do this with my older son. I think continuing depends on the needs of your child.


I think all this looks perfectly fine. I'll include what I'm using:


Math - Saxon 7/6 - I use Singapore.


History - Sotw 4 - I use SOTW, along with a variety of other encyclopedias and living books.


Grammar - G.U.M. (zaner-bloser) - I use Abeka.


Spelling - Sequential spelling - I will be wrapping up Spelling Workout next year.


Science - Sonlight 6 - I put together my own programming, but I've always heard great things about Sonlight's science.

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