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How do you clean your floors?

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This may sound like a silly question but I am struggling with this. My kitchen floor is always looks dirty. The biggest problem is that it is a very light blue tile and shows every spect of dirt. Can't do anything about that right now. I need something that is easy to pull out and easy to use. I am ussing a regular mop right now that it is so cummbersome. Any Ideas would be great.



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For daily or every other day lately I use my FloorMate. For the once a week cleaning, I "scrub" on hands and knees. There really isn't a lot of scrubbing involved over the whole floor, just the places that need extra attention. I do this mainly to make sure the animal hair gets up. 2 dogs and 2 cats in our house.

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When I had tile floors (I hated them, but that's beside the point), I used a Eureka steamer. You put water in it, and steam would come out the bottom, through a thick pad. I could steam clean my tile quickly and easily.


It didn't do well on the grout, though. Once a year, I had to get down on my butt and scrub the grout with ammonia and water.

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A few times a week I set up water play on the kitchen floor for my little ones while I am making supper. First I sweep, then I spread out a few beach towels and put out several containers of water along with various cups, spoons, measuring devices, etc. and let them have fun while I make supper. When they are done I use the wet towels to wipe up my floor. I have vinyl though, not tile. I'm not sure how well this would work for you.

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