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TOG now??

Kris in Wis

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It's been years since I used TOG (I used it in its first edition), but I've heard it has been improved upon since then. I'm thinking about it for my son, 11, who needs more discussion/critical thinking. Is the program "scripted" so that Mom doesn't have to read all the books, too? We don't do worksheets, so I don't want to pay for a lot of stuff we won't use, nor do we need a writing program.


Advice? Recommendations?



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I second taking a look at the samples, the teacher notes specifically, and see if it has what you want. It isn't scripted in telling you exactly what to say. It does have the questions, and the answers, and it does provide enough background that you can read just the notes and do the questions.


Though I haven't really done that level of work yet. I do read it all when I have the time.



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There's still the world book info and the questions and answers for dialectic history discussion has been added. You say no writing, but will you do church history, geography, & literature? Dialectic literature is worksheet driven, I suppose geography is too, it's a map. Dialectic literature does introduce some common literary terms and analysis, but this year I have switched out a few books. Any other questions?

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I also recommend that you download and print out the three-week sample. It contains everything for three weeks of study. This will help you determine if it is the curriculum you are looking for.


One of the advantages I found in TOG was the Student Activity Sheets. I wanted some form of "worksheet." I wanted grade-able pages for our school records. On the Act. Sheets you will find Accountability and Discussion questions, as well as Literature worksheets and some charts and whatnot for history. Each week varies in what it contains, but there is usually always discussion/accountability questions for the Upper Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric levels. Your 11 yo would probably be somewhere in the Upper Grammar/ Dialectic level for the questions. Some of the Dialectic level questions can be quite difficult for that age. I usually use a mix of the UG and D level for my 11 yo.


Before deciding to go with TOG, I printed out the entire three week sample. Procured what books I could get from the library, and did a 3 week trial run. It was just what I had been looking for.


It is not fully scripted, but I have not had to do any of the history with my son because I have the teacher's notes. I do wish they would give more answers for the bible/worldview questions though. So far, in my year 1, I have not come across many for the UG level. So if you are not already quite familiar with the bible, you may have to do that portion of school with dc. I mostly use D level bible though, so I am usually satisfied with what is provided in the Teacher Notes.


I hope that made sense. I have my mind going in a million different directions this morning. :tongue_smilie:


If you have any specific questions feel free to ask!

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