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Veritas Press History Memory CD


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http://resources.veritaspress.com/ViewMovie.asp This is the link to the demo video. On it you will see the cards, which will give you a better sense of how you might use them. There's also an active yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vp_elementary where you can talk with others using the VP materials in various ways. The cards form a spine for your studies, if you want them to. They have summary paragraphs on the back and associated readings. The fronts give the name and a picture to jog the memory. Some people use the cards alongside another history program, as a memory device. In addition to singing the songs, you might want to go through them occasionally and refresh your memories about what each event was. So the history cards can either guide your study or be a supplement, whichever way you prefer. Yes, I like them, because they are an effective way for me to wrap my brain around history. I used them as the spine of our studies for OTAE and NTGR. In MARR, things fell apart, but I also got pregnant, which didn't help. We took off the summer and first semester from history (new baby and all), and I decided to give myself a break and do WP AC1 with dd. I've been thinking recently we need to go back through our cards and keep them fresh, just so we don't lose things!


So yes, they are a good tool. There are some alternate songs available from another lady. I haven't heard them myself, but if you search back through posts by me, the thread is around here. I think some people may have ordered them. Like I said, I was prego and never got around to it. Ok, here's the link to that thread. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49013&highlight=songs

Edited by OhElizabeth
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Wow! Thanks again Elizabeth.


I'm considering supplementing SOTW... actually using the VP cards as [sort of] a review. I found the schedule on Paula's Archives and think it looks very doable. Once we review Creation through Rome, I hope to supplement them regularly with SOTW 2.


Btw, I totally get the baby thing and I love your nickname - Dairy Empress. I'm weaning my (almost) 2yo ds. Nursing really is an act of love, but can wear a mama out!


Anyhow, I appreciate all the information and your insight.



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Aw, don't wean! Hehe, not like it's any of my business, but toddler nursing is wonderful. You have the instant cure-all for all problems and can get them to nap any time. ;)


Have you seen the cards Hannah made to go with the SOTW books? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=748770 They're the equivalent of the VP cards, with a pic on one side and summary on the other, but they're free. You wouldn't have the memory song, but they would coordinate perfectly to what you're studying.

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