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Need suggestions for Language Arts


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Ok...I have a 9 year old son, who is in the 3rd grade. He has been slower to pick up reading/phonics then my previous daughters. I also have a K coming up who has some special needs.

My son has been using the ETC books and we have been using HOP for reading. He has really picked up this year and we are almost done with the green level on HOP. We are finishing up book 3 1/2 in ETC. I was going to go right into 4 at the start of this year, but decided to use the 1/2 book for review before we went on. He needed it, because at times he sometimes struggles.

I had started the LLATL Red for an overall LA program thinking that is what we would go ahead with. I have found that it moves too quickly for him, with little review and then onto the next thing. I find him not remembering what is new and then having to go back over it the next time he sees it.

We are also doing some narration and copywork seperately.

I feel that we are a little behind with things. I am not a pusher and feel that he will "get it" when he does. We had a set back in the fall with my father passing away.

I really thought that I wanted something "all in one"...but am begining to think otherwise. I really like the IEW SWI and will probably move him into that for writing as he matures.

I would like some thoughts/suggestions on what to look at. I am not so set on all in one programs, but rather picking and choosing where/what level he should be at.

I saw the Growing with Grammer post and took a brief look at that. I would have no idea where to place him with that...and where it that available for purchase from?

Give me some suggestions or what am I missing.....I'm open.

Oh...and as far as my K daughter...she is just starting on the HOP yellow and it is finally making a little sense. I am thinking about starting the ETC books with her, too.


This is long...I hope you made it to the end....

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I'll take a stab and at least it will bump you back up to the top :)


I've never used LLATL or HOP so I don't have a frame of reference for what level he is... but we have loved FLL3. I would also recommend Writing With Ease - it is so gentle. It is a book by SWB that explains how to do copywork, dictation and narration for the first four levels of writing with a few weeks spelled out for examples - you can use the book to determine what level your child needs to be in and then you have to pull together your own reading selections to use for narration, etc. There are workbooks with everything done for you for 36 weeks for levels 1 and 2. If your ds is a bit behind it may be that one of those would work for him and that would make your life a bit easier ;). If you're interested, check out peacehillpress website for more info on levels. That leaves spelling - which I won't give advice on because I think that's probably the hardest one to figure out and really varies depending on whether child is a natural speller or not. As far as reading goes? I would set a goal for how many minutes you want him to read each day (WTM gives guidelines by grade - 30 min? or 45? or 60? ) and give him a shelf of books you approve of for school (some on level, some easier, and some challenging) and let him choose and enjoy. Literary analysis can come later, imo.


Sure some others will chime in! (I like ETC too and currently use them with my K and 1st grader.)

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Thank you. I will look into what you suggested. I hope that others will chime in, also.

My son is reading to me for at least 20-30 minutes each morning. He is doing soooo much better this year. It feels like it finally "kicked in" for him.

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When I first started thinking about pulling my dd out of ps, I found this website to be VERY helpful: http://www.homeschooldiner.com


It is broken down by core subjects, and also has everything in between. I found my dd's LA curricula there (Michael Clay Thompson) and had a good time checking into the other programs, too.


It's just a good place to start. They have several links to all kinds of information - get a cup of java in the morning and enjoy browsing!

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