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How long can properly wrapped and frozen meat be good?

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We've gotten out of the habit of cooking at home much. We're trying to have more meals here now. I have some meats I haven't used in the freezer. I'd like to defrost this turkey breast and use it tonight. Is is still good? It has a use or freeze by date of less than a year ago.




(you'd think I would know something like this...oh well!)

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Meat will be ok to eat, as in nothing is going to make you sick. The quality of it goes down the longer it is in the freezer. It might have some freezer burn on it. I would bake or cook it as usual and if it's a bit more tough then use it in soup or casseroles.

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I'll second that. Frozen meat remains safe as long as it is frozen, but the quality may decline significantly depending on the wrapping. We have some cryovak meat that was fine even after 3 years. We've had some "home-wrapped" meat (Saran and then double ziplock) that was terribly freezer burned after 6 months. Freezer-burned meat is not unsafe, it's just inedible!

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I have been known to cut off the freezer burnt bits and cook what's left if it's worthwhile. Cooking it in broth is a great way to add back moisture.


To avoid that in future--take out as much air from the package as possible.


I recently managed to cook a cross rib roast that had been in my freezer since Oct 2007. It turned out really well. I have tossed meat less old, though, as well.

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