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What courses out of ClassicalConversations do you use?Or mark if you use another Coop


What do you use?  

  1. 1. What do you use?

    • Challenge
    • Foundations
    • Essentials
    • Challenge, Foundations
    • Challenge, Foundations, Essentials
    • First Class
    • Latin Centered Co-op
    • Co-op where most would say that they're Classical
    • Co-op where most are mainstream
    • Other

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SO, I'm curious how many of you use Classical Conversations, something like First Class, your own program of say 4 or so families, SOTW co-ops, TOG co-ops.


Can you tell me what won you over to the program/co-op you're part of, and if there's a cost, approx. how much money do you pay, total, for each year?


Can you tell me how large your co-ops are? How many grades and students/ families you have?


Does your Co-op lend towards Classical or Just general classes? Is it mostly memory with some activities? Lots of Science? Parents all take turns? Languages? (Latin??)


Yes, I've read around the internet, but I'm wondering about this group:-)

Edited by NayfiesMama
Letting you know that others can see the poll results:-)
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We do foundations & essentials with CC. We plan on doing the challenges when my girls reach that stage.


Our director hired a couple of moms to teach classes in the afternoon while the Essentials kids are in class. Last semester we did art & drama. This semester we're doing chemistry and swimming.


Each girl participates in a sport of their own as well, but otherwise we don't participate in any other co-ops.

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I have one in Foundations (Master) and Essentials, and I have one in Foundations (Apprentices).


I have 2 little ones too.


We don't do any co-ops or other things like that. We do do piano, Latin and sports.


Well, I will skip the specifics of CC in general since you probably know them. It's a large program - 37 families.


We choose it first because it was classical, then because of the families and we stay with it because it works!!!

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SO, I'm curious how many of you use Classical Conversations, something like First Class, your own program of say 4 or so families, SOTW co-ops, TOG co-ops.

Ours isn't tied to any organization--it sort of took on a life of its own a few years ago.


Can you tell me what won you over to the program/co-op you're part of, and if there's a cost, approx. how much money do you pay, total, for each year?

Well, I've been with our co-op from the beginning, when there were just 7 other families, and I lead it now. It was the people involved that got me started attending, and the friendships I've made are the reason we're still there. Our group has a $30 registration fee which covers website fees, parties, etc. Classes taught by parents in the group are $3 per semester. Classes taught by those outside the group are generally around $100 per semester. A person with only one child taken all parent-taught classes could easily pay under $50 for the year, including the reg. fee.


Can you tell me how large your co-ops are? How many grades and students/ families you have?

We have 100 families, all of whom attend regularly. The kids are babies - high schoolers.


Does your Co-op lend towards Classical or Just general classes? Is it mostly memory with some activities? Lots of Science? Parents all take turns? Languages? (Latin??)

We offer a variety of classes. Nursery and preschool for the littlest, then "electives" beginning in K. The younger grade classes are generally things like Art, P.E., Cooking, Drama, etc., but the choices get more academic as the grade level increases. By middle school the classes are "serious" enough to take the place of a subject at home, like science or writing. We require that parents serve in the classroom as an assistant, but we don't require parents to teach. Those with the gift of teaching are encouraged to do so, and most of our classes are taught by parents in the group. We do have a few classes for whom we use outside teachers, and the parents pay those teachers directly. We've offered Spanish in the past, as well as ASL. We had a mom who volunteered to teach Greek but there wasn't enough interest (okay, so as a group we're not a classical bunch--but we were going to have dd take it!)

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I've been part/started a couple of different co=ops.

The first was a large enrichment co-op. We offered high school classes like lab sciences that the kids could pick and choose from. The eled program was set and the kids had to be there for the enitre morning. Mornings only. $60 a year, $400 fam.cap. It was our own program. Pre-K-12th. We had 90+ kids. Lab fees extra. Drama camp extra.


The 2nd was a CC group. We offered Foundations, Essentials, Ch A & B. We were a CC community so charged their fees. We had 38 kids.


The one I am currently in is a classical co-op. We use Foundations curriculum as well as other classical resources. Cost is free, but the moms provide photo-copying, etc. We have 20 students (not counting pre-schoolers) from K-12th. We are getting tons of iinquiries for fall so we are thinking about how big we want to grow. We are also contemplating going to a 2-day a week model.

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So, Barbie:-)

Can you tell me where you meet? 100 families must make it HUGE:-) Our CC groups is maybe going to be 20 families or so...and after that....we will outgrow the church we're at...



We meet at a church, one of the bigger churches in the area. We are not a ministry of the church, they just let us meet there for free. The leadership of the group does attend the church, but most of the families in the group come from churches across the community. Based on the fact that we now have more than 300 people gathering there on our class days, the church has asked that we NOT get any bigger.

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