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Using CC materials outside of a CC setting


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I have thoroughly enjoyed reading many threads about Classical Conversations! I have several questions which I am hoping someone involved in CC might be able to answer:


Is it possible to order CC materials and implement them similarly (but not exactly) in your own home without joining a CC community?


Is it possible to order CC materials and use them in a group setting (i.e., where a couple of moms are working through the materials with their children and meet in homes monthly to do review work)?


Is it possible to order CC materials and use them in a co-op setting that is not a CC community? (That is, in a co-op that meets for other classes and then adds a more Classical track for those parents interested in that addition?)


I know there is a huge benefit to joining a CC community and meeting weekly. Accountability is a major motivator and benefit! That being said, the cost of joining a CC community is staggering for many families. I just wondered if there were any families out there that used materials that CC uses (Veritas History Cards, etc.) just maybe in a little different fashion.


Thanks so much for any help/advice you can offer! :)

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With CC's "blessing" you can use CC in your home for a total of 4 families or less. At least this is what their material says, right now. It also says that you're not allowed to charge money for it. What the legal issue about this is...is beyond me.

I believe that if you have a very dedicated group of four families, that you could do this...at home...if you made a serious, dedicated decision...to meet religiously. If it's just...we meet when it's good...I'm not sure that it would work.

I've looked through Living Memory and believe that you could do many of the same type activities without doing CC. I do really enjoy the CC community that we're a part of. But, if you want to do something different, I'd commit to a certain number of weeks, and I would do the VP cards, either the way they are numbered now (geographically) or in chronological order is. I really like the way that CC has them ordered, the one drawback is that it doesn't work with the order that VP has their history timeline cards. For me, even though I wish that VP would do a chronological ordered song, too, it's worth the trade.

I think that essential parts of CC are the cards, history sentences, some Latin, and for the afternoon some grammar and IEW. Learning bible chapters would be good, or poetry. I like the oral presentations that the students do. (or some show and tell for the younger students)

Don't underestimate the amount of time that you'll spend to put a program together. OR, the way that you'll need to juggle responsibilities with the tutors. I also think that financially committing to a program does 2 things. First, it makes the family feel committed. Second, it helps level out those that are working each week, with those that are not. I mean, the tutors who commit to each week are recognized by the families that love them and the $$$ that is paid to them. (No problem with 5 adults helping to put it together... and the rest just enjoying.) And believe me, there are expenses that you probably don't even think of yet....

Like I said, I love our group; I was just talking to a couple of ladies today saying that I'm not sure if the best part is what they learn...or the community that's formed.


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