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HS Science : Apologia or WTM Science

Do you use WTM Science or Apologia or other ?  

  1. 1. Do you use WTM Science or Apologia or other ?

    • WTM Science
    • Apologia
    • other

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WTM lays out a HS science program using Self-Teaching Guides, experiment Projects for Young Scientists, and source readings.

I know of many who are using Apologia, but not heard one comment about the WTM approach.

Is there any one who follows the WTM science program ?

Edited by inashoe
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WTM lays out a HS science program using Self-Teaching Guides, experiment Projects for Young Scientists, and source readings.

I know of many who are using Apologia, but not heard one comment about the WTM approach.

Is there any one who follows the WTM science program ?


Ooooo, I'd love to hear from anyone who has used the WTM approach, too. I already bought some of the books and I think they look interesting and I like the way it's laid out in WTM. I would LOVE to have studied science this way in high school!



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I went with Apologia because I needed it laid out and pre-planned for me. I would be afraid I would miss too much or not be able to adequately cover things like significant figures and how to calculate whatever if we did it the other way. It was just too far out of my comfort zone for high school.

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We're other. Started with WTM science in elementary school. We're RS4K fans and are sorry that Dr. Keller won't have her high school curricula written in time for us.


On our shelf for the first 2 years if high school are Conceptual Chemistry & Conceptual Physics (the college one, because we got it free, but we have Hewitt's Conceptual Physics book for everyone beside it to help out).

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WTM lays out a HS science program using Self-Teaching Guides, experiment Projects for Young Scientists, and source readings.

I know of many who are using Apologia, but not heard one comment about the WTM approach.



Well, I'll bite since I have a few more minutes to kill. We've always done mostly WTM method. And now-20yod took the standardized test thru BJU (IOWA??) a couple years ago (highest level available) and scored well over 95%. For whatever that's worth???


Anyway, she did the Self-Teaching Guides, read tons of library books, wrote looong papers (I corrected them and passed them on to dh to correct the science aspects) complete with illustrations, did an occassional experiment and wrote it up, read the associated GB when applicable, and so on. This is how all our dc have done their science.


I never liked the high school level stuff. Too watered down. And college level stuff can be a little overwhelming to younger dc. And esp. disliked the Christian curriculum I viewed - for various reasons. So this seemed the best fit for us.


Is there any one who follows the WTM science program ?


A better question here might be 'Is there any one here who follows the WTM program at all'.;)



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