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I want to do SOTW with Sonlight Readers and RA's..HOW?


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This just seems so difficult. Which readers go with each chapter? How can I pull this off? Last year I bought BiblioPlan (it uses SOTW with many Sonlight books) but as a secondary resource. So, it skips around SOTW, does 3 chapters in one week, and generally is difficult. I may do the same thing again, but I just wish there was a good schedule somewhere (with maps, and with comprehension questions, and with the books flagged that may have mature content and blah blah blah...)


I think I want 'My Father's World' with Readers?? What do I want??


BTW we are doing SOTW Vol. 4



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I want the ease of SOTW and the wonderful reading from SL, too.


So, my plan is to do SOTW 1-4 with my little ones. They want to do it every day anyway. So, we will listen to the CDs, do the comprehension, map and coloring work.


Then after that, my plan is to go to SL 3 at grade 5 and do the fun American history and go on through at least SL7. Then we have high school work, co-op classes, and Associate's degrees to keep us busy. For 3rd grade, my daughter is reading all readers up through 3rd grade. For 4th grade, I'll assign the fun read-alouds from K-2.


I always get hung up on history. I just want my children reading. And I don't have time to do tons of read-alouds. IMO, history is not the biggest part of homeschooling. I don't know why it makes or breaks so much. I should be more hung up on math and english. :001_smile:

Edited by ustasmom
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Sounds like you want the best of everything all rolled into one! Like me! For me personally, what drives me nutty the most is to skip around in my "spine" book for grammar stage history. I can handle it better for the other stages after we've been through the story once. That is what makes me crazy about TOG, SL, Biblioplan. When I'm using SOTW, I feel like if I skip around I'm losing some of the flow. I don't like the multiple chapters in one week thing either.


I get out my SOTW AG, and my SL catalog, and my TOG year plans, and my Biblioplan (they have some of the best RAs), and make a list of time period readers and RAs, then fit them in where they would correspond to SOTW (we are in 4 now as well.) SOmetimes I don't get around to using many on my list. It can be a pain. I know I have made some lists in excel in the past, and if I had them still I'd volunteer them. Now I just get the curricula out every few weeks and see what my library has. Oh, and did I mention we had ANWOA too which I bought for greater focus on American history during SOTW 2 or 3? So I did have literature comprehension questions for early American history! I am OVER that now.


I don't think I've been at all helpful, but I really can empathize.


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