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Teaching syllabels in SWR


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When does SWR teach syllables? I looked at the TOC online and I don't see it. When(if) it does cover them, does it explain things like open and closed and the sounds the vowels make with an open or closed etc? I hope I am making sense, I know what I mean but I am not sure how to word it.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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You teach syllables from the very beginning. I don't have my copy in front of me, but it's in the chapter where it discusses how to break apart words for the spelling lesson. No, we don't use terms like open and closed syllables. BJU does, but it never made sense to me. BTW, the files of the SWR yahoo group have a page explaining a cool way to explain vowels, syllables, etc. to littles.

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Thanks. I did SWR before but don't remember covering them at all. Maybe because they don't use the terms I am thinking of. I had never heard it it explained like that either until we did Barton's and it made so much sense to me. I am going to rejoin the SWR group though so I can look at the files.


OK, found it. Thanks! Makes sense to me now.

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