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Chime in on how much you are loving Christmas break!

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I'm so elated to have my babies home with me again! I was surprised with an early vacation when the school district closed two school days before the break because of snow, and I just ate those days up, wallowed in them!


We've still got over a week left to enjoy our time before we get back to the lame old grind of everyday public school. (If you've read some of my previous threads, you know how sour I am on my kids being in ps.) So, I better make the best of it while I can!


Hope everyone else is enjoying their time with their kiddos, too!

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Yes!!!! I am loving the break tooooooooo!!!! I was hoping that by some miracle that the kiddo's would just BEG to start homeschooling again, but noooooooo they really love school! They are glad they have a break and love being home, but they just enjoy the structure and everything school has to offer:tongue_smilie:. oh well!! I am glad they love it though! We have 2 big project due 2 weeks after the break, so we will probably work a bit on that this next week. I am excited to help them with these.... I am learning alot by their researching for their projects;)




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...but YES, we loved every moment of our break which lasted from Dec. 19 to Jan 5. It was so easy for us to slip back into our simple routines of sleeping late, staying up late (!), reading, talking. None of us was ready for the vacation to end, and my youngest asked, on the day school resumed, when Summer vacation begins and how long it is. ;)


Given the choice, I think they'd still opt to go to school, if they could only start their mornings a little bit later!

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