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Quiver's cinnamon rolls are AMAZING!

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I've been reading about them here for quite sometime but wasn't sure dh would appreciate us breaking tradition with the rolls we had always made at Christmas...but this year he was ready for a change.


So I found the recipe here, printed it, gathered ingredients, and on Christmas Eve we prepped it all and put 3 beautiful pans in the fridge overnight to rise...


At about 2am on Christmas morning, the power went out. Just a week ago, we had endured a week of no power so this was just unbelievable. My first thought was not heat, water, or not having the tree on for the kids...it was the CINNAMON ROLLS!!! Yup...I was in bed wondering how we would cook them...what would we do?!:001_huh:


Well, dh is a hero. We got up before the kiddos at 6am, he plugged in the generator, ran all the power cords like we had set up before (we're old pros now), and warmed up the grill...yes, the grill.


We got that grill up to just about 400 and put all 3 trays of rolls in...monitored them closely, and when they were nearly done, I sat on the floor (near the extension cord) and whipped up that icing.


We all sat to the table...slightly chilled from lack of heat, enjoyed our final Advent reading, lit our central white Christ candle to celebrate Jesus' birth, and enjoyed the most mouth-watering buns ever. They were just slightly dark on the bottom from their ordeal on the grill, but they were fantastic.


THANK YOU JEAN for sharing your recipe and becoming part of our new Christmas tradition! The rolls are indeed legendary, and we can't wait to try them again when we can use the oven instead!


Just wanted to share,

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