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Calling all book sleuths! *solved!*


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Hello book lovers, I have a book to find but literally only two pieces of information:

1) A character is named Gentilissa

2) Published before 1997ish. 

We think it's a novel, and it was probably a paperback? But we don't know for sure.

*don't quote this next part* So, my friend is named after a character in this book, her mom was reading it while she was pregnant. But her mom can't remember the name of the book, or anything about the book, just that she loved the name of the character. (I wish I had read this book when I was pregnant, lol, it's a gorgeous name!) So we are trying to figure out what she was named after. Casual Googling has not found it. Help us, Hive, you're our only hope! 

Edited by Moonhawk
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Well it's time for me to slink off to Google school because apparently I cannot use it, LOL. And she's tried too over the years, but I guess she gave up a decade ago.

eta NEW THEORY after reading the description: her mom totally knows what book she was reading but didn't want to tell her 4yo what she was named after, LOL


Edited by Moonhawk
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