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commonlit 360 ?


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I know it's pretty new but has anyone used the Commonlit 360 curriculum?  

I'm an engineer, and everything LA related it like another language to me. My 6th grader currently does Rod and staff english, megawords, wordly wise, reading and reasoning, and writing on our history usually with IEW theme unit prompts/texts, and he is assigned ~9-10 novels to read with our history.He hates writing, but can type a somewhat adequate paragraph, but probably not 6th grade level, he also doesnt enjoy reading, and thinking.  He avoids all of it and tries to whine his way out of it.

I am attracted to the Commonlit 360 because as I think about preparing him for public highschool I feel like my LA instruction is insufficent. I'm looking for something he can take alittle more ownership, rather than me walking with him every step , jamming learning down his throat, hoping he swallows some of it.  It feels like more of what he would encounter in the public schools as far a LA goes.  I'm still struggling know if that is a good or bad thing.... I love that it is free and would guess that most of the topics would be engaging to him. 

I'm use to mostly open a go, It feels like it would take a bit of work in assigning  neccessary work, though it looks like he could just fill in the worksheets on google docs, but It would be alittle learning curve to figure out how to set it up. Do you find set up combersome to set up?

What could I cut from his LA line up if I used commonlit 360? The grammar doesnt look very rigorous, but how important is that?  maybe Wordly wise? definatley the reading and reasoning .  he really needs the megawords, and I will still expect him to read our historical fiction... I have to cut something so that he doesnt feel like Im adding a whole another subject.

Any other thoughts?



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