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Potters School Eng Conf Comp 3

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My oldest took it two years ago, and my youngest is currently taking it with Mrs. Bailey.

It has been slightly different for my younger one because the teacher who taught it to my oldest is no longer with Potter's School. He had his own grammar curriculum and I think the research paper topic (Pop culture) was his choice. I am not sure actually what my youngest's research paper will be about yet. Anyway, I think when my oldest son took it, it was possibly the first year they offered this class. 

Overall it is a good experience. My oldest took three English classes with them. This is my youngest's fourth English class. 

We always get helpful feedback on papers. They do want to see a certain structure and they hold you to that.  The rubrics are detailed which is helpful.  I feel like they give you the tools you need to be successful.  

Because it is not a comp/lit class but there is still some literary analysis, they bring in short stories and poems.  

ETA: It's a super long story why my youngest is taking it as a 10th grader. I am not sure it is helpful to explain, except to say that TPS majorly reworked their English courses when he finished 7th grade. The class I originally thought he would take in 9th grade was reworked to be an 8th grade class.  

ETA2: Be aware that you need a placement test for the classes, and if you switch from a comp/lit to just comp class (or vice versa) you will have to take the placement again. It's annoying, but that's their policy the last time I checked. 


Edited by cintinative
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