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My 5 year old has just turned into a 2 year old...

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And it is frustrating me to no end. I am not sure if it is the hustle and bustle of Christmas approaching, or the fact we are taking a break from school and he is excited, but my 5 year old who is usually well-mannered and sweet has began whinning about everything, not listening, and having half hour long crying fits about literally nothing. He can't take "no" for an answer anymore and will cry and scream and throw himself on the floor no matter where we are...in public or otherwise. It is honestly the most frustrating thing I have experienced with him because it is a total personality shift. UGH! Anyone have any suggestions for this? I have tried logic, I have tried spanking, I have tried bargaining, I have tried rewarding and noticing good behavior. I am just not sure what to do next...ignore it? Please tell me it is a phase! :(

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Is it possible he's sick?


My ds9 was driving me nuts for about 1.5-2 weeks before he finally got sick (not tantrumming, but crying at the drop of a hat, morose, etc) and I told my dh that ds9 was either about to grow or get sick. Sure enough, he just got off antibiotics for strep.


If it's not that, I would guess it's just a phase caused by Christmas approaching and being out of routine. Be consistent, and it will pass.

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He could be getting sick...but so far, no signs of illness. It has been going on now for a few days...so probably just a phase. Maybe he is growing...like you said. As babies, my kids always got fussy before a growing spurt. He is definitely eating us out of house and home right now...hmmm...never thought of growing issues. Thanks!

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