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While I adore BFSU, I'm finding we aren't doing science as much as we should this year because of the extensive amount of planning it requires on my part. I'm hoping to switch to a secular science program that is a little more open and go for third grade (2022-23). We are still in Volume 1 and Scientific Connections Through Inquiry isn't releasing the level we need until Spring 2023, which is too late or that would be my choice. Initially, I was interested in Science Fusion, but the homeschool packages are no longer available, and it looks like all the components I would need to purchase will add up to a very costly curriculum. Someone on FB mentioned Elevate Science, and it looks perfect and costs only $68, but I can't find any reviews. Has anyone used this program? What are your thoughts? Could you give me the good, the bad, and the ugly? 

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It will be for a rising third-grader who loves science. 

I would just like to hear what people who have used Elevate Science think of the curriculum, as I haven’t had much luck finding reviews. It’s rarely mentioned in any Facebook groups I’m in and I wasn’t able to find any posts using the search function on this forum. 

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I'm late to this game, but I use Elevate Science to teach 6th grade at a public middle school.  I can't speak to the elementary school version, but the 6th grade version is WAY too advanced.  I taught some of the same topics in high school and this book is written at a higher level than the book I used then.  It also has a LOT of math that is too advanced for the grade level.  I.e. my 6th grade book asks them to write algebraic equations when most of them won't even have pre-algebra until 8th grade.  It is written at a lexile of 1000 which is around the 75th percentile for beginning 6th graders and some of the vocabulary is over the top - even for me and I have a masters degree in the hard sciences!  They make a version for each state and a homeschool version.  They do this by pulling chapters and sections from different books.  Because of this, my version has a lot of errors where captions and figures don't line up and the teachers version points to materials that aren't in the book anymore or not in my online version.  The online labs are very clunky and difficult to use.  The "Interactivities" are generally just reading slides and answering questions.  It has some good ideas like a big question for each chapter and a real life problem to solve, but these are often poorly executed.  Not all, some of them are good, but overall, the book is a bit of a mess.  Perhaps the elementary school version is better.

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