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Forensics Videos

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I'm looking for videos on forensics & unsolved cases for a 12 year old girl. She likes the mystery & puzzle aspect of it. She's seen NOVA's 'Who Killed Lindbergh's Baby?' & enjoys it. I don't want anything too heavy or laced with too much shown violence, etc. (so no sexual crimes either). We've both Amazon Prime & Netflix and regular ol' DVDs are possible too. Thanks in advance!

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Discovery channel has a few good shows about forensics. I used to watch "The New Detectives" at that age. If I recall it's not graphic (in terms of showing the violence like a scripted show), but the actual storyline is usually a murder or violent crime. There is also "Unsolved Mysteries" those would be unsolved crimes whereas "The New Detectives" were mostly solved. 

I think all those shows is going to be hard to exclude heavy and sexual crimes (there is a lot of lover's quarrels, abusive relationships). You can look up shows about real heists. Heists are just people stealing things of value and in real life are usually not violent. I think the scripted TV shows are generally more graphic (visually) than the documentary style shows.  

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