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Corresponding levels of WWS and W&R


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We’ve used WWE 1-3 then we took a break and have been using Writing & Rhetoric books 1-4. We’ve now decided to switch back over and begin using WWS, mainly because the next books in W&R aren’t available where I am,but also because I’d also intended to use WWS once my son was ready, he’s now 11.

I've been going through the WWS 1 book and have noticed that a lot of the outlining, copia and beginning literary criticism exercises have been covered throughout Writing and Rhetoric. 

Is it redundant of me to go through WWS level 1 with my son? Should we skip to level 2 or will WWS cover certain things in more details? Should I carry on with level 1? 

Thank you x

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WWS1 teaches expository and descriptive writing. Source material is all provided. If your student is strong in summary, expository and descriptive writing then you might get by skipping WWS1. WWS 2 feels a lot more flexible but does build on the topos taught in WWS1. 

It is an affordable curriculum.  I will soon be starting a “Crash course WWS1” with my 11 year old focusing orally on outlines and analyzation and then written practice of one topos per week. Then practicing it in history and science while we do the main writing curriculum (CC Chreia and Maxim) for 2 weeks. I plan on having him include intro paragraphs where applicable and maybe even try for a basic thesis to better see where these parts might fit into the whole. I will be working with him closely for this accelerated pace. 

You can get the free first 10 weeks sample to get a feel for it, then re-evaluate. He is a good age to start, there is no need for you to rush through it. You could decide to continue with 1 at full pace if it appears that he needs more work with expository/descriptive writing or even crash course WWS1 and then move to 2. 
I think it also may depend on how independent you want him to be. 

I like the looks and assignments of WWS2 better and am considering alternating it with CC Ref/Con next year. As a matter of fact, I have my eye on 1-2 of the initial assignments from WWS2 for this year. 

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Oh and I do not think that WWS’s strengths lie in the one level (way too basic) outlines (which are to help see the structure of the topos) or the copia (I have other materials that do this better, in my opinion). We will skip all copia, all narrations (or maybe do some oral compositions) and just orally outline or maybe even quickly together on the whiteboard. 

For me it is the detail of instruction in the topoi, which is where I see the true strength because I just want my kid to have these extra “tools”. Different types of paragraphs that can build a composition. My underlying true focus is thesis and supporting it. The extra tools are ways to possibly do that. Well that and these topos also seem like great ways for a “writing to learn” attitude. 

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Personally, I would not skip it.  WWS is classic Susan Wise Bauer: so carefully and incrementally graded that you might not even notice you are building slowly and steadily toward a rock solid writing foundation.  In my opinion, it goes deeper than W&R Narrative II or Chreia, gives more demanding assignments, and gives more concrete suggestions about how the student can improve.  Eleven is on the younger side for WWS 1.  You might find your kiddos have a better foundation for it from doing W&R but I definitely would not rush past it to level 2.

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