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Anyone with an 8th grader who is planning to go to HIgh School in 2021/2022?

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I'm just wondering if you are rethinking that plan at all? My son really wants to go to High School, and that has always kind of been the plan. (Although now that I'm homeschooling 8th grade, I feel that HS is totally doable whereas it scared the bejeesus out of me before). 

However, my husband is doubtful that the world will be back to normal by then. Remember, we're talking a year from now. 

And I'm realizing that the curriculum choices I chose for him this year are not the same choices I'd make for him *if* he were to stay home for 9th. But, it seriously never occurred to me that we'd still be a potential mess next year at this time.  And maybe it won't-who knows. 

So, is my husband the only one thinking that far ahead? 

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My rising 8th grader wants to follow in his older sister's footsteps and start public school in 9th grade.  We're still making our choices for this year assuming that will happen. But honestly the only thing I would do differently if I knew he were not going to school in 9th would be science.  And that would just be I would let him try to get 9th grade biology done early in 8th if he were going to homeschool for high school.  As it is,his science this year is more of a "prep" year for high school (using a textbook/taking tests, rather than just reading and watching videos and having fun with it), though most of the material will not be super new for him in the physical science class I have him signed up for w/ a local co-op. So we can cross the bridge when we get to it, I guess.  Our area is just average, not a huge hot-spot right now, so I don't think we are going to spiral out of control like it feels like some places might . 

DD is staying with public school at this point...even if it is distance learning this year. She got her best semester ever grade-wise during distance learning last spring (Our school district said they could keep same grade or improve during distance learning, but couldn't go lower).  She improved her grades in a couple classes compared to in-school classes.  If it were still distance learning a year from now she would probably just do dual enrollment with the local CC instead of high school classes for her senior year.

Edited by kirstenhill
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