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What manipulatives are needed for Singapore Primary Math Standards?

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I'm not sure where the official list is.  We use:

- cuisinaire rods (not strictly necessary, you can just use base ten blocks)

- base ten blocks 

- place value cards.  The link is to the very nice, sturdy Rightstart product, but you can find them for free online and print/laminate them.   

- base ten cards.  Not strictly necessary, but you can go to higher numbers without needing to buy lots of base ten blocks sets or extra thousands cubes.  

- 3D solids.  Also not strictly necessary, but very handy when doing lessons on numbers of sides and vertices.  


Things that came in handy: some various-sided dice, some plastic circle counters, some actual money coins.  I never used the SM base ten disk things; I always used the much more correct base ten blocks.   

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