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Any reviews of Conceptual Academy's Integrated Science?

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Hi Everyone,

I am at a loss as to what to do for my 7th grade daughter next year for science.    I would like to find something that she can do fairly independently.   She started off this year (6th) using Novare Physical science (taught by me), but we later switched to the Derek Owen's online physical science course because Novare wasn't working very well.  She really likes the Derek Owen's class a lot better!  She likes that it is "straight to the point" and not so chatty, has lots of math 😉 , and that she can work at her own pace when it is convenient for her. 

Unlike my other children, my daughter has no love for science and really only studies the subject because it is assigned.   She has had a lot of physical science in the past few years because that is what she seems to like the best, and I was trying to get her excited about the subject.    In 4th grade she did a year of Electronics (EEME) + Scratch Programing (Udemy).  And in 5th grade she worked through Exploration Education.     I am thinking that this year I would like to do either a General Science -or- an Earth Science.   In her 8th grade year, she might start High School Level Biology, and in 9th grade I would have her take an Algebra based Physics.  (Her math level is advanced so math will not be a problem in science.)

I was considering DIVE Earth science because it meets my criteria for independent friendly.  And I thought at the very least, she would have some exposure to the subject.   We are Christians, but we tend to be "old earth".   I know that DIVE happens to be very heavy on YE teachings, but I figured that I could perhaps discuss with her both theories and let her start to think through evidence on both sides.   I feel like this would be a MUCH easier science year compared to Derek Owen's though.  It looks like all of the "quizzes" are open note and open flashcards.    So she wouldn't get much practice learning how to study science IMHO.

The other option I was strongly considering was Conceptual Academy's Integrated Science.   It is meant to be used over two years.   However, I can't find any reviews from anyone who has actually used this course.   So can anyone help me out there?   

Also, are there any other options I should consider?  

Thanks in advance!!


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My oldest two used one of the integrated science courses there in 7th grade, I don't remember the exact title. It was fine. They did it independently, they really like the Hewitt Physics section, the rest was fine. They didn't finish the course, but that didn't bother me. They did science regularly (main goal), we did the reviews on the book together and talked about how textbooks signal important information and effective approaches to studying for a class like that when they are doing it independently (secondary goal). We emailed a few science questions over the year and got good responses from Dr Sukochi. A number of quizzes had questions (or the entire thing) that weren't functional, but for our purposes that didn't bother me. I considered it a successful year.

In 8th grade they went on to Biology with fellow boardie ClemsonDana at Fundafunda. That class (teacher) was a great science class. Mine liked it enough that they decided to take Bio2 the following year (completely ignoring my lovingly prepared 4 year plan). Bio2 was a fabulous homeschool science class, in case you get to that point.

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