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Need bedroom humidifier recommendation

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I have Vick's Warm Mist ones in the bedrooms and think they're great. I have also had their steam vaporizers (where the heating element submerges in the tank) and cool humidifiers, so I can give you a comparison review:


Steam vaporizers



  • vaporizer would spit - literally shoot water up about 8" - if it was not completely rinsed of any residual water (which contained salts/minerals) and its construction made if difficult to thoroughly rinse and to fill, as well as carry when full.
  • even the 2 gallon one would have to be filled at bedtime, or it would run out of water.
  • The medicine cup - where I would use eucalyptus and tea tree oil when someone was ill - was tiny, difficult to fill and the plastic got gummed up and couldn't be cleaned.
  • The heating elements corroded inside the steam chamber and the pieces would either come out in the tank or block the holes that allow water in.
  • Weekly cleaning was necessary to prevent spitting and non-steaming. This involved soaking the whole heating element piece in vinegar, then lots of rinsing through the tiny water holes and steam head.


On cool models



  • Vicks cool (evaportation) humidifiers seem to cool the room and has evaporation filters that would need to be replaced every month or so. They also seem to need additions of anti-bacterial stuff to the water.
  • Ultrasonic cool mist models create a "cool steam", which shoots out a bit and then falls on the floor. It doesn't appear that this technology has been improved in the 20 years since I first experienced it.


Warm Mist



  • tank is easy to fill and maneuver - no spilling
  • has two settings, so you can control the level of vapor and even on the high setting, it lasts about 10-12 hours.
  • steam chamber lifts off for easy cleaning, and the steam chamber itself is dishwasher safe.
  • It does not spit, as there is no high salt/mineral water that is left in the tank.
  • The medicine cup is easy to fill, wipes clean and has not gummed up (harder plastic, I would imagine)
  • The heating element is coated and does not seem to react badly to the water.


I clean mine with straight vinegar (rinse and wipe down the tank and whatnot) to get rid of salt/mineral buildup at the end of the season and then store them. This is our third or fourth year with these and there have been no issues at all.


Does that help a little?

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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This is what we have instead of humidifiers in each room. We run it on low all day(winter only, of course), and it needs to be refilled at least once a day. A humidifier in each bedroom would just be way too much trouble for us, but you might not mind.

This humidifier handles a whole floor of our house, so we're talking about it serving 1400 square feet. A humidifier is really needed in our house...we live in an old (1880) home, and keep the heat low. The additional humidity makes it feel warmer in here and we're not walking around itchy all the time. Living in Northern Illinois, we're dealing with extreme weather.

Our last Holmes worked for about 7 years but finally gave up the ghost. Our current one is nicer than the old one!

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