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7th Grade Writing for a Strong Writer


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Any educated opinions on what would be more beneficial for my upcoming 7th grader who likes creative writing:

Writing with Skill 1 taught through Well Trained Mind Academy plus the Creative Writing books parent-taught.


Writing with Skill 1 parent-taught with Creative Writing taught through Well Trained Mind Academy.

This is for a student who enjoys writing creatively and wants to continue this as her career. She understands that she needs to learn a broad range of writing skills besides creative writing, but would rather just write what she wants. We also have used My Father's World her whole life, so we are more of the non-busy work type schoolers, but still want a thorough education. MFW  recommends completing Writing with Skill over two years. Meeting twice a week for a live class will be new for us, and I want to know that it's worth it. My three older kids (8th, 10th, and college freshman) were bounced around different writing curriculum because they did/do not enjoy writing and I think it has been detrimental to their writing skill even though they do well enough to get by. Also, I don't think I'm the best person to grade writing work that needs much improvement.

Any input?


Edited by jccmgla
*Edited because I hit the submit button before I finished.
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The "pro" of outsourcing is that students often do better with someone other than than mom doing the grading/feedback. That's very true of writing they don't enjoy (i.e, the WWS1 for your DD) -- but I also think they can feel very protective of their personal writing (i.e., the Creative Writing for your DD), and be very touchy about comments/grading of personal/creative writing.

The "con" of outsourcing WWS1 as an online class:  I just read the Cathy Duffy review of the WTM Creative Writing -- it sounds like it is a fairly heavy amount of writing. If you are wanting to do both WWS1 and the Creative Writing program in one year, I can foresee the potential of your DD getting overloaded with too much writing, and not giving her best, or becoming very resentful towards the WWS1 because it's "taking away" time for her love (creative writing). Worse case scenario: I could see even having to set aside her beloved Creative Writing partway through the year in order to complete the online course for WWS1 because it has been "paid for".

Perhaps do both, spreading WWS1 over 2 years at home, and use the money that would have gone to the online class to pay for either an online or local tutor to meet with her weekly and to grade/give feedback, and you can be available to help with day to day questions or scheduling. Just a thought.

BEST of luck, whatever you decide! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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