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Literary analysis for middle-grade boy?

Sally Day

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I’m looking to add some literary (and poetry) analysis into the mix for my 6th grade boy. I really like the look of Teaching the Classics, but am wary of the format. He likes to be as independent as possible and prefers written responses to discussion. Suggestions please! 

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My middle schooler is making his way through Prose and Poetry by the Walch Toolbox Series (https://www.amazon.com/Walch-Toolbook-Prose-Poetry-Ser/dp/0825138027). We got it off thriftbooks so was even cheaper.

We do the exercises orally, but it seems to be able to be used fairly independent as it is a workbook style so has lines for writing answers. My son doesn't love the subject in general, but going through this takes only a few minutes as we read it and work through the practice problems.

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I haven't done any lit analysis with my rising 5th grader, and I'm on the fence about starting it. I think I will choose one MP lit guide and see how it goes, probably only assigning a fraction of the written questions. I don't want to kill his love of reading and I do think it's a possibility. Sarah Mackenzie makes the claim pretty well that beyond discussions, you don't ever need to do lit analysis. But if your kid isn't into discussions, I don't think it's crazy to expect some type of written output. 

I am excited to try CAP's Art of Poetry. It's supposed to be excellent even for people who aren't into poetry. I like that, because I don't have to worry about killing his love for it, because he doesn't particularly love it. But it's supposed to be grade 7 and up. So I think I'm planning that.

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My current 6th grader is a book dragon. She's constantly reading me out of house and home. I haven't done anymore than casual discussion this year, but she keeps jumping into her high school siblings' lit lessons at every opportunity. 😄 I'll do Figuratively Speaking with her next year, and read through the Foster book with her (How to Read Literature Like a Professor: for Kids). 

My other kids just read and discussed high quality literature with me and did FS in 7th and/or 8th

FS might suit your written only requirement, but I wouldn't do it with a 6th grader with no discussion unless it's something they're pretty interested in. 

You might listen to this SWB talk if you haven't.  https://welltrainedmind.com/p/what-is-literary-analysis-when-why-and-how-should-i-teach-it-mp3/

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