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My daughter is 5 years old. She is in pre-k and is struggling. I have worked with her since she was 18 months old on colors, numbers, etc. She finally learned her colors at 4. She has just recently mastered counting to 10, and she still doesn't know her alphabet. She is in a Christian school and her teacher is sending home extra worksheets to catch her up, but she is not ready for kindergarten yet. I am also doing ABC Mouse with her in addition to the Teach My toddler series. She is not slow at all, she is really smart and I've even had three doctors tell me how intelligent she is. She just cannot seem to retain anything. What can I do to help her?


Pull her out of the school and reset your expectations to be gentler and let her mature at her own pace?

Seriously, if you don't suspect a learning issue, and she's being asked to learn phonics and math and it's not sticking yet, then it's the expectations that are wrong, not your kid. Play games and do enriching things. If she's ready to go to kindy again next year, you could try again. Or maybe you'll enjoy being home with her and homeschool instead.

Of course, all this assumes you can bring her home. I don't know your situation and whether it allows for that. Welcome to the forums.

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