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Learnables 1 vs 2, or something else independent??


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I was very surprised to find that the 5 discs in Learnables 1 is really the same tiny bit of material presented in different technological formats, so I'm a little miffed that $100+ lasted a couple months especially since DS was able to go straight to the lessons and exams without needing all the discs. However, it was a convenient, independent way to get Spanish in regularly which is a huge boon in our homeschool, plus DS enjoys it. I'm unsure if we should continue to level 2. Can anyone offer me a comparison? Does it cover much more material? 

Or is there another independent program I could be looking into? We do many other things for Spanish but they aren't hugely systematic in terms of mastering vocabulary or conversing. DS is eight and we primarily work on reading in Spanish and comprehension questions. I plan to try out Homeschool Spanish Academy in the spring or summer.

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