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Looking into foster care in SoCal. Resources?

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You can contact the Dept. of Children's Services in your county office and go staight through the county. They will provide the training and paperwork that you need to become certified.


If you are not thrilled with working directly with the county and prefer a foster care agency, try the Children's Bureau of Southern California. They are based out of Los Angeles county and have great social workers and wonderful support. If they don't work in your county they might be able to refer you to another foster care agency.


You also might want to try Child Share based in Glendale, CA. They are not a foster care agency but rather a fabulous para-church organization that recruits foster parents and respite workers from church groups. They also have training seminars, support groups and even a warehouse of gentle used clothes and toys for foster children. They might be able to guide you to a local foster care agency.


Good luck and keep up posted.

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