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Math for 3rd, 6th, and 8th grader- help please :)


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Hi! Can you all help me choose a math program for my boys? We have done Saxon in the past, but they are bored with it. They are bright and math is not challenging for them. I am wondering about Beast Academy for my 3rd grader and Thinkwell for my 6th grader. My 8th grader did AoPS last year for Algebra 1 but the message board format drove him crazy, so I am considering Thinkwell for Geometry for him. Singapore or Math Mammoth are also on the table for the 3rd and 6th grader, but I am getting lost in the details and not sure what is best for them. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts and recommendations. Thank you!

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I like Math Mammoth a lot, it's very conceptual and teaches those concepts so incrementally that you don't even realize you're learning long division until you're already doing it and it's easy.

BUT ... we have found that jumping around in math during elementary often creates more problems than it solves. Ask my current senior how I know 😉 I would switch if a program's approach really wasn't sinking in and my kids weren't getting the concepts, or if a particular program was causing great angst and anxiety about math, but I'm not sure I would just because they were bored. A better time to switch is after elementary math and going into pre-algebra, IMO. Probably lots of people disagree with me, and that's OK too, but that's my 2 cents 🙂

We like Video Text for Geometry, it is very challenging and proof heavy, but it takes a long time (more about a year and a half unless you significantly skip things) and even though it teaches trig concepts I wouldn't call it a full trig or precalc course no matter what their website says. Jacobs Geometry with the Dr Callahan videos would be our 2nd choice if I didn't already own VT.


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Math has been a struggle to find that “perfect fit” for us! My daughter used Right Start in K and 1st (at private school) then we switched to BJU in 2nd (that’s what she would’ve used at school). I loved the layout of the program, but I don’t think she came away learning any new concepts and I noticed her mental math decreased (Partly my fault- you really do “use it or lose it”!).  So after searching endlessly through multiple curriculum, we settled on MLFALE 3 and Mathematical Reasoning level D. Also adding in some speed drills. 

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