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Philosophy Adventure vs. Philosophy for Kids


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I've seen great reviews for both of these, and have seen the few pages of samples, but I'm still having a difficult time deciding. Has anyone done both who could give a summary of the similarities and differences? They both seem to be for the same age range (late elem-HS). If they're different enough to do both, which would you recommend doing first or at which age?


Edited by alisha
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Well, Philosophy Adventure is religious and Philosophy for Kids is secular. So I would think that in and of itself might decide this for you. I mean, for some subjects, that's going to (potentially) be a side question, but for philosophy, it's definitely going to be pretty central to how each one approaches the subject. Which approach do you want?

I haven't seen or used Philosophy Adventure. We did use Philosophy for Kids... I wouldn't personally rate it very highly. I didn't feel like it really got to meaty questions that my kids wanted to think about. The bits about the history and philosophers often felt disconnected from the actual questions in the assignments. We didn't end up using it all. And I usually adore things from Prufrock. We really liked the book Philosophy Rocks when we did philosophy as a middle school subject.

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