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X-Post: Anybody want to help me out with two Singapore Challenging Word Problems?

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I'm sure I am just not thinking about these in the correct way so maybe you guys can help me out. We are stuck on these two from CWP 4: I do, of course, have the answers in the back, but I'm not seeing how they solved them. If you have the book, they are on pages 76 and 82, respectively.


#1: A man filled his gas tank with 18.6 gal of gas. If 3 gal of gas cost $4 and he paid with two $20 dollar bills, how much change did he get?



and #2: 4 books and 5 magazines cost $103.60 altogether. 8 books and 3 magazines cost $134.40 altogether. How much less does each magazine cost than each book?



:lurk5: Thanks!

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i'll take a stab at the first one. if 3 gals cost $4, divide to find the cost of 1 gal. then, multiply the cost of one gallon times 18.6. it actually comes out to an even number. then subtract from $40 to find the correct change. this seems multi-step but simple - which always worried me with SM! maybe i'm missing something! (since you have the answer, i'm assuming you just wanted a process.)


as for #2 - aaarrgh! i hated those kinds of problems!

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#2: 4 books and 5 magazines cost $103.60 altogether. 8 books and 3 magazines cost $134.40 altogether. How much less does each magazine cost than each book?
If 4 books and 5 magazines cost $103.60 then 8 books and 10 magazines cost $207.20 (draw the bars at this point). Since the difference between the two sets is now 7 magazines (10-3), then 7 magazines are $207.20-134.40= $72.80.


Plug it back into one of the formulas: Each magazine is $10.40 and each book is $12.90.

Edited by nmoira
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I did it differently. Adding everything together, you get 4b (books) + 5m (mags) +8b + 3m = $238 OR

12b + 8m =238


since 4b + 5m = 103.60 (from the word problem), then 4b=103.6 - 5m


then 12b = 3 times 4b = 3 * (103.6 - 5m) = 310.8 - 15m


substituting in the first equation, since 12b = 310.8 - 15m then,


310.8 - 15m + 8m = 238




-7m = -72.80


so magazines = 10.40.


From magazines we can get books from an earlier equation (4b=103.6-5m) and substitute


4b = 103.6 - (5 * 10.40)


4b = 103.6 - 52


4b = 51.60


books = 12.90


So, the answer (how much less does each mag cost vs each book) 12.90-10.40=2.50, so each magazine is cheaper by $2.50 than each book.

Edited by jamnkats
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I did it differently. Adding everything together, you get 4b (books) + 5m (mags) +8b + 3m = $238 OR

12b + 8m =238

Cheater. :D You're not allowed to use algebra in CWP. :tongue_smilie:
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