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Expired broth? Need Hive Help!

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Okay, I'm making a bunch of soup today (if you knew me well, you'd pass out) and I have a bunch of chicken & vegitable broth that have passed the best date by a few months. Okay, one expired Jan 08. ;) Anyway, I am usually very paranoid about expiration dates, especially dairy, but this has never been opened, organic in the carton stuff. I hate to throw it out. We are trying to budget here! (Hence, the making a bunch of soup today!)


What do you think?

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It's organic - it most likely doesn't have the same amount of preservatives another broth might have. I would for sure pitch the Jan. '08.


The other ones, that are only a few months past - how many is a few? June? July?


I think I would be more leary of the chicken broth than the vegetable, but honestly, it depends on the day. I don't think you'll get sick per se, because it will be heated (boiled?). But it may have a rancid taste.

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It's organic - it most likely doesn't have the same amount of preservatives another broth might have. I would for sure pitch the Jan. '08.


The other ones, that are only a few months past - how many is a few? June? July?


I think I would be more leary of the chicken broth than the vegetable, but honestly, it depends on the day. I don't think you'll get sick per se, because it will be heated (boiled?). But it may have a rancid taste.


Oh, good point, I wasn't thinking about the taste! I have 2 cartons that expired in September. Hmm, what to do-do I risk it? I'm not really a rist taker, though.

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