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Writing for 5th grader who's only written in WWE1-3

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My DD10 will be going into 5th grade next year and has very limited writing experience.  She does some very very basic writing on her own and basically has told me she needs to know how to spell more and write better. I think she needs more independent work too.  For the last three years, she's been going to a second language school in the morning.  So we homeschool in the afternoons or on weekends. I thought WWE was a good fit since lessons were short and some years, we could do two lessons a day on weekends or it was easy to do a lesson a day in the afternoons but we're growing bored of WWE and wondering what to do next or add in.  We also homeschool year round. So now that it is summer and she's on break, we will be working on a few subjects together, writing being one.  I knew we'd have to lag behind in some subjects since we were working on two languages simultaneously.  But now, I think I need to pick up the pace with her writing. 

She is working to finish WWE3 and FLL4 this summer.  She loves grammar (though I'm feeling like she needs something more independent since she does many of the lessons on her own before we get to them) and we have a few weeks of WWE3 remaining that I feel like we're doing just to say we did it but everyday, I'm thinking of shelving it for a while.  Maybe we just need a break.  After reading through some posts, I've jottted down Killgalon as an idea but wondering should I start with the elementary level or with the middle school sentence composing.  And I've seen some people switching between WWE4, Killgalon and CAP.   Switching between programs might help with how we're currently feeling about WWE.  So, any other ideas, suggestions for a 10 year old who hasn't written much?

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