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Adam Andrews, Teaching the Classics


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Hi There, I posted over on another spot, but heard that this might be a better place for my question. Also, I wanted to note that our coop is for 4th-6th graders. Thanks!



Adam Andrews, Teaching the Classics



I'm wondering about using this program as an add on to our IEW coop. Would anyone be able to tell me how it's working for you? I'm interested in how it's working for you and if you're using it with only your family or in a group situation.



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I taught a literary analysis class in our co-op for two years. I used Teaching the Classics and we also did a unit of CW Poetry. I *love* TTC. Adam Andrews is really easy to listen to and watching him work through a story gives a very practical and clear picture of how easy it is to implement TTC with any book. The kids in my class were grades 5 to 8 and we had a blast. I began the class by asking them all to bring in a favourite picture book. Then, we used TTC techniques to go through the basic elements of each of the stories (this was over a few weeks). I taught them how to chart the story and then we began delving deeper with novels and older short stories. It was great in co-op because there can be a lot of discussion - I loved discussing everyone's opinion on where the climax was in a book and why they felt that way.


I would highly recommend TTC for co-op or for home use - I use what I've learned to do informal literary analysis with read alouds for my younger kids, too.


I have a couple of posts on my blog about Adam Andrews.

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Hi Sarah,


FOrgive me if you've answered my question previously as I asked this a while ago in a TTC thread but do you think you absolutely need the video or can you get by with just the book? I'm impatiently waiting for a used copy of DVD/book - I just missed 1 by a few hours AARRGGHH - to come up at WTM for sale forum. I've joined a co-op and I might like to lead a literature discussion.




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I think it would be very helpful, but not absolutely necessary, to watch the video. A couple of years ago, I finally broke down and bought the DVD and book new. We watched the DVD and then I posted it for sale on these boards and sold it in about 5 minutes for just a $5 loss from what I paid. We kept the book and have been using it ever since.

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