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Flylady Support Thread for Thursday, April 12

Night Elf

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Hello Flyminds!

Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: click here. You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.

We have completed the Baby Steps found here and here.

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal Series found here.

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady

Advanced Flylady: 

The Habit for the month of April is Making Your Bed.

This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 2 - Kitchen, Pantry (April 8 - 14).


Thursday - Errand Day!

Thursday at FlyLady is Errand Day. We use this day to get out and run whatever errands we need to do for the week. Make a list of wherever you need to go and whatever you need to do during the day today and then get to it. This can include:

  • Grocery shopping

  • Doctor appointments

  • Dentist appointments

  • School shopping

  • Dropping the clothes off at the cleaner

And tons of other things. If it needs to be done outside the house, today is the day to do it. Make a list of these things and check them off as you do them.

Flylady Mission: Your Mission for today is to declutter your plastic wraps and foil drawers, cabinets or shelves.  We all have a spot that we keep these items and there is always one empty box in there and some lone baggies that are trying to escape.  Toss the empty boxes, the rolls of plastic wraps that are too stuck together to work, and those strays that you are not sure if you should use them or not. 

This is quick and easy!  Have Fun!

FlyLady Rebecca

Fly Kids Mission: Today we are going to go into our rooms and pick one drawer in our dressers to go through. You will need three bags (such as grocery sacks) Go to the dresser, open a drawer and starting at the top look at each piece of clothing in that drawer. Does it still fit? Does it have stains or holes? Do you like it? Will you wear it? You need to hold it up checking for stains and holes first. If no holes or stained, then look at it to see if you like it. If you do not like the item, then most likely you will not wear it. If it passes both of those inspections, then try it on.

Anything that you have that is too small, needs to go in a bag to give away. Anything you have that is stained or has holes in it goes in the other bag these need to be thrown away or recycled for something else. Anything that you do not like needs to go into the last bag. This is a bag that you need to sit down and look at with Mom or Dad. There may be some items that you need to have because of certain events that you need to wear them to. Give the bags to Mom or Dad.

Only do one drawer!! Do not pull out more than you can handle. Some of you may need Mom or Dad to help with this challenge. That is ok - let them help you. That is how you will learn so that the next time you can do it by yourself! You can do another drawer only when you have completely finished the first one you started.

When you have less clothes in the drawers that you do not love or wear it is easier to put away the clean clothes when the laundry is finished. Sometimes our drawers get so full that we can't fit another thing in them! This means we have to spend time trying to shove our clothes in them to put them away.

Remember what I always say - Less to clean and put away means more
time to play!

Have fun! 

If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way!


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Zone Cleaning is done this week.

Morning routine:
--Make bed
--Get dressed
--Swish & Swipe
--Start a load of laundry
--Check calendar
--Clean cat area

Afternoon routine:
--What's for dinner?
--Drink your water
--Reboot laundry

--Clean laundry room
--Hall bathroom tidy
--Sweep foyer steps and downstairs hall
--Have ds wash his bedding

Dinner: Acapulco Fajita Beef Skillet

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