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History Unboxed reviews?


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I tried doing a search and it didn't work well because of it being two words.


The reviews online are mostly from bloggers that got it for free so I'm not too inclined to trust those.


Has anyone used this?  It's gotten kind of expensive but since I work part time I really don't have as much time to collect supplies and I have one kid who is really hands on. That's the only reason I'm considering this.  



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We've been getting it for about 8 months. I think it's a little pricy for what you get, but I also know myself well enough to know that I'll never go collect all of the stuff to do these projects. A couple of the boxes have a small craft and a CD of music or a story being told, and others have a couple of different crafts. If I were a crafty person, I probably wouldn't get it. But, I have one child who thinks that projects are a horribly inefficient way to learn, and another child who loves all things hands-on. Hands-on kid would never remember that the Romans gave laurel wreaths to their heroes, and that's where we get the phrase 'rest on their laurels', from reading it, but after making a laurel wreath out of silk leaves (that I never would have thought to make, and would have been irritated at having to go find leaves, floral tape, wire, ribbon, etc for), hands-on kid has worn the wreath and remembers the story. If I were looking to cut costs, it's something that I'd cut, but since Kid 2 has mostly used Kid 1's old books, hands-on kits may be their biggest non-co-op school expense.


My kids were 11 and 8 when we started, and we chose to get the kit for older kids even though the younger kid is the one who is hands-on. Older kid likes reading the included material and occasionally joins in doing the project. Pretty much everything that you need is included unless the project involves food, which is probably the only reason that these kits get done at my house. My 8yo can do most of the projects on her own with only minor help. So far, kiddo has made a small mosaic, sand art, laurel wreath, cuneiform cookies, incense sticks, plaster casts of stuff like in Pompeii (I think we had to get some plaster for that one) and we all worked on weaving a small basket that works as a pencil holder. If you've got any more questions, I can try to answer them. We've gone a little kit-crazy here - some relatives gave younger kid a few months of Tinker Crate and IndigoArtbox for Christmas. It's been great because I would never come up with projects fast enough to keep this kid happy.

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