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S/o audiobooks, poetry compilations


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My kids listen to a bunch of audiobooks on audible. We have some children's poetry compilations. I'm looking for some other poetry on audible that would be appropriate for children to listen to. Unfortunately I'm woefully ignorant of poetry and am worried about choosing some with questionable subject matter for elementary students. But I'm definitely looking for more classic poetry than "children's" poetry, if you know what I mean. Any ideas of a good poet or poetry compilation that would be a good, accessible, and appropriate option?

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Naxos puts out some great poetry collections for kids that are really well done (there are some on Audible and Amazon)  Favourite Poems for Children, Selected Poetry by Lewis Carroll, Classic Poems for Boys...  

IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) has a graded poetry memory program that comes with a CD of poems.  The recitation is fine, but isn't the most dramatic "actor quality," but the selections are good.

For witty classic poetry for children, try Hillaire Belloc. "Cautionary Tales for Children" has some great ones that are quite amusing, including "Rebecca who Slammed Doors for Fun and Perished Miserably," His short poems are wonderful too, The Frog, The Vulture, etc.... iTunes has some well done recordings of these. 

My kids also like the Julie Andrews collection on audible previously mentioned.  

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