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Flylady support thread for Sunday February 4

Night Elf

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3ladybugs must be busy today so I'll post and if she comes in and posts again, we'll just have two threads! :)


Today we start Zone 2: Kitchen and Pantry (Feb. 4 - 10)


Today is Sunday, Renew your spirit day.


This month's habit is decluttering 15 minutes a day.


There are no missions on the weekends.


If you're new to Flylady, check out her site or ask questions on this thread.

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We're in a new zone today. The kitchen and pantry. I usually do zone cleanings on weekdays so nothing for today.


I'm also having to do some stuff today that I didn't do yesterday. But I have nothing planned today so I should be able to do all of it with no problem.


Morning routine


Afternoon routine



--Sweep Master suite

--Master bathroom tidy

--Sweep house minus bedrooms

--Hall bathroom tidy

--Sweep Deck and Front Porch



--Weekly Grocery shopping

--Move finished Legos into attic to clear off table

--Wash dd's bedding and make her bed (this dd is away at college)

--Organize dd's room a bit


Dinner: Steak, roasted potatoes, corn, rolls



Edited by Night Elf
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Today is my Baby Step Day 13 which is supposed to be find a mission and do it.  But this being Sunday, a lot of things are going on that usually don't, like I call my mom in MO on Sundays and we usually talk for an hour!  So I am a bit behind and unfocused.  I did get the laundry folded and put away and am working on the routines.  Would it be terrible of me if I put off Day 13 until tomorrow, Monday, since it looks like we usually don't do missions on Sunday anyway?  I don't want to be a slacker, but I'm beginning to feel stressed and like there is no way I will get everything done ~  :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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Sorry late night and busy day yesterday. I am starting to get my house in order so it looks like a baby is suppose to be here. LOL The good news is she sleeps very well so once the initial chaos is over I should be good.


Today is the start of week 2 which is Kitchen. Ironically, I need to focus on this area next for baby. We have a tiny kitchen so need to find spots for all of the stuff we have now. :)


Darla, this shouldn't be a stressful process to do Flylady. Take it as fast or as slow as you need. 

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Today is my Baby Step Day 13 which is supposed to be find a mission and do it.  But this being Sunday, a lot of things are going on that usually don't, like I call my mom in MO on Sundays and we usually talk for an hour!  So I am a bit behind and unfocused.  I did get the laundry folded and put away and am working on the routines.  Would it be terrible of me if I put off Day 13 until tomorrow, Monday, since it looks like we usually don't do missions on Sunday anyway?  I don't want to be a slacker, but I'm beginning to feel stressed and like there is no way I will get everything done ~  :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


You don't even have to put it off a day. If there isn't a mission for today, don't worry about it. There are missions on weekdays. I don't do them all. If one fits you, do it.


Don't stress. I'd start with establishing a morning routine because it gets you off on the right foot. Once that is in place, go for the afternoon.


This month's habit is decluttering 15 minutes a day which I think is in the afternoon routine anyway. Work on whatever you can. Even 5 minutes can make a difference.

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